What is Analytical or Critical Thinking?
Many may not know, yet others will tout that it is a valuable skill to have. Some say it is rare. Are you a Critical Thinker? A simplified definition would be the process of thinking carefully about a subject or idea, without feelings or opinions to affect you. In other words, it can be called objective analysis or evaluation. It can be very useful for effective problem-solving.
Today’s news and information is flowing fast and heavy, almost bombarding us more than ever before. How can you make sense of it? What is true? Ultimately, everyone ends up having to decide for themselves how to solve or handle the complex issues they face. Critical or analytical thinking can help.
Analytical thinking is reasoning through a problem to realize the truth, but not simply jumping to conclusions. It means being inquisitive and asking questions, without just believing in what is said and reported. It is filtering through information knowing what is relevant or not, while not accepting evidence at face value. The analytical thinkers endeavor to remain fair minded and receptive to all possibilities. They may even challenging long-standing beliefs and stop clinging to traditional viewpoints when faced with contradicting facts.
I came to understand analytical thinking initially from education, working towards an engineering degree at the US Naval Academy. I further developed the skills throughout my careers, with practical application as an Intelligence Analyst and developing expertise as an instructor. I went on to utilize those same skills of problem solving working within the IT and Project Management fields of the business world for over a decade.
In continuing my own study of psychology and thinking, I am endeavoring to share with others.