We have all this data thrown at us. Various pundits cite studies and show us graphs and statistics to persuade people of their credibility. Climate change activists and the panic porn about the pandemic are just a few examples. Ask yourself this simple question, “does this really make sense?”
The Sanity Check is an insight into problem solving that comes into play towards the end of a Critical Thinker’s analysis. Previously I mentioned convergent and divergent thinking and being able to adroitly switch modes during problem solving. I also mentioned a typical problem solving loop. After working through a complex problem, it can be very helpful to take a pause to try and look at the solution or explanation and ask that simple question. When performing the Sanity Check, it is desirable to put oneself into a relaxed mind that is striving for some objectivity. We want to be open to examining our intuitive thoughts as best we can without distractions. After asking if the solution makes sense, we are striving to recognize any intuitive misgivings or tickles that something is not right. We are in a divergent mode of thinking and not actually evaluating the solution per se. But if we sniff that slight odor that something is not quite right, then we don that critical thinking cap to determine where that feeling is coming from to find the flaws in our analysis. Our solution or explanation could be wrong otherwise.
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