I found it interesting that it differentiate decision making based on feelings or objective thinking. I consider myself a student of the Bible and Christian theology. One of the foundations is that feelings are not to be trusted as we are a fallen people. Our carnal nature is to put ourselves first and do whatever feels good. We also were given a free will, which means we also daily struggle to live out our Christian faith of being like Jesus Christ or holiness. That means when you get up in the morning you decide how you feel using the Bible as your guide.That is John Wesley theology. You spend your life perfecting your faith but never quite get there.
I found it interesting that it differentiate decision making based on feelings or objective thinking. I consider myself a student of the Bible and Christian theology. One of the foundations is that feelings are not to be trusted as we are a fallen people. Our carnal nature is to put ourselves first and do whatever feels good. We also were given a free will, which means we also daily struggle to live out our Christian faith of being like Jesus Christ or holiness. That means when you get up in the morning you decide how you feel using the Bible as your guide.That is John Wesley theology. You spend your life perfecting your faith but never quite get there.